Welcome to our brand new blog Get This Day. We will be sharing the trials and triumphs of starting a new business mixed in with some daily life shenanigans while always trying to find beauty, purpose, and joy in each day. We hope you will join us, laugh at and with us, and connect with us.
Today is Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Every year International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8. Through the years, thousands of women have marched, campaigned, and sacrificed to make their dreams and aspirations possible for themselves, their daughters, and every woman for generations to come. I always get a little sentimental about days like this – days that highlight both suffering and success, days with so much to celebrate yet remind us there is still much progress to be made. Regardless of the bittersweet emotions, days like this always inspire and encourage me to dream just a little more. This very first blog post of ours is all about exactly that – the dream.
Flashback to the year 2012. The kids were tiny and we were somewhere between surviving and insanity.
Since this picture was taken we have lived a lot of life – added one more cutie to the mix, sold houses, bought houses, divorced a high school sweetheart, celebrated 18 years of marriage, moved back home, built a dream home, got a masters degree, landed a dream job, and so much more.
We are both former teachers and met when we ran a preschool together. We poured all of our efforts into creating a preschool that fostered a unique learning environment. Even though our preschool was loved by all who attended, it wasn't until we started to spread the word about what we were doing that the program flourished.
We learned the importance of marketing firsthand. Through trial and error marketing, our preschool grew to have an extensive waiting list.
While we learned how vital marketing is, we also learned how much time a great marketing campaign can take. Through that process, we became skilled at making messages memorable and quickly learned we both possess a creative niche in the area of marketing. We have continued to work in various areas of marketing throughout our careers. All of this experience has culminated in the announcement we get to make today – NOW OPEN!
This Day Marketing is proud to be certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). Today we celebrate International Women’s Day by not only announcing our new woman-owned business but by also committing to strive for progress and justice. Here is to turning a dream into reality, this day!
Go get this day,
Molly & Sabrina